In 2020, I was struggling trying to support my husband who is a full time Ph.D. student, homeschool and care for my four young children, find direction in my own…
There are few of us, if any, who don’t walk the refiner’s fire of adversity and despair…Most of the heartache, pain, and suffering we would not choose today. But we…
by Taylor Digital painting The godhead may often be portrayed or described as a trio but I wanted to expand it to include Heavenly Mother because we know she is…
by Julie Heydorn This digital painting was inspired by the lyrics to a song written by W. W. Phelps which says, in part: “Here’s our Father in heaven, and Mother,…
by Melissa Michiale Horlacher Colored Pencil, February 2021. Revelation 12: 1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her…
I was inspired by a question earlier this week posted by @seekingheavenlymother. They asked “If Heavenly Mother had been physically present at the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem, what gift do…
She Wrapped Herself In a Blanket of Stars by Caitlin Connolly More of Caitlin Connolly’s artwork can be seen at Instagram: @caitlin_connolly_ Shop:
I Will Graft in Unto Them the Branches of Their Mother Tree by Natalie Cosby “Yea, I will graft in unto them the branches of their Mother tree” Jacob…
Mother to Mother by Carol Lippard We are never alone in mothering. We have a divine partner who also claims these children as her own- who knows and loves them…
“A Mother! A Mother! We have got a Father, and there cannot be a Mother” by Natalie Cosby I have spent a lot of my adult spiritual life wondering about…
Peeking Through Her Veil by Natalie Cosby Thin is Her veil It falls over Her skin Softening its glow Dimming Her light from a blinding bright To a warm luminance…
While We’re Apart by Jessica Hansen I have often thought and wondered about Heavenly Mother and my relationship with her prior to coming to this Earth. I imagine loving, tender…
Romana by amberlieves This is a depiction of Heavenly Mother. This is Romana. She is my great grandmother, the legendary matriarch of my mother’s family. My great grandparents lived in…
Angel Mother Goddess by Anita Eralie Schley Mixed Media on paper 7×15.5” After the other painting I did two days ago of Heavenly Mother I sat down yesterday with a…
Mother Goddess by by Anita Eralie Schley 8.5×12.5 mixed media on paper. She practically appeared on the paper. I was alone in my house for the first time since March,…
You know those people who stand up in sacrament meeting and give a talk or testimony where they basically give a synopsis of a movie you’ve never seen and then…
This morning, I heard my 3-year-old daughter playing “Queen” which is one of her favorite games. She loves to act like royalty and pretend to tell imaginary people what to…
We’ll Bring the World Their Truth by M. Alice Abrams Original linoleum block print We as members of the church take a lot for granted. We have so many answers…
I fell to my knees about a month ago, and out loud I asked the questions: “Where is she? How can I find her?” The answer didn’t come instantly. Instead…
Pray I am there by M. Alice Abrams Pray, I am there. Speak, I am listening. You are my child, my love now surrounds you. I hear your prayers,…
Are you really there? by M. Alice Abrams Heavenly Mother, are you really there? And do you feel and listen to my silent prayer? Some say that you are so…
Eternal Embrace by Ashley Lauren Workman My conscious relationship with my Heavenly Mother began as I sought comfort in dealing with an emotionally devastating miscarriage. In my desperation for peace…
Springtime Hug by Shara Jackson Harper As I look outside, witnessing our fickle (snowy!) spring, I imagine a full-of-love Mother, hugging us all with the warmth and tenderness she has…
My baby is sleeping in his own room. It was easier having him in our room. He was right there. I could hear him. I could quickly pick him up….
Note: This piece is featured in the book A Girl’s Guide to Heavenly Mother. Mother Divine by Courtney Vander Veur Matz Before I was asked to do this painting of…
Years ago, I had been praying about Heavenly Mother, asking if She is watching me and involved in my life, and does she hear my prayers? One day, I asked…
My six year old son helped me write the words to this song. He wanted everyone to know that the most important thing about Heavenly Mother is that she loves…
The Divine Feminine by Phoebe Nordyke I created this piece after a long period of contemplation of just what sort of image would represent Heavenly Mother to me. I truly…
This year I was asked to speak in Sacrament meeting on Mother’s Day. I was really nervous. Usually on Mother’s Day I sit in the congregation and feel deeply sorry…
The Veil O’er the Earth is Beginning to Burst by Alice Abrams This piece came about because of a number of questions about the first vision I started asking myself….
Eve and Her Mother by Emilie Buck Lewis This was painted in 2016, after a friend’s husband commissioned it as a gift for her. Though I had had strong spiritual…
Heavenly Mother Portrait Series by Emilie Buck Lewis This series of Heavenly Mother portraits commenced after October General Conference 2019, when the new Young Women Theme was announced. I was…
I had a prayer in my heart today to see Heavenly Mother’s hand in the temple. I participated as a witness, for the first time, during sealings. I saw our…
Heavenly Mother, Beloved Son by Mary Alice Pritchett linoleum block print, veragated metal leaf, and watercolor One of the cherished beliefs of Latter-day Saints is the knowledge of Heavenly Parents…
I wanted to do another artistic piece of Heavenly Mother: one that would hopefully be relatable to all in some way or another. I used many colors, shadow, and…
Nearly a year ago, we handed back the perfect baby girl that was moments away from officially being our adopted newborn daughter. We named her Ruby; although that is not…
When I was teaching Primary music, I was sad there were no songs to teach about Heavenly Mother. So I asked my 5 year old daughter what a song about…
I was studying D&C 93 weeks ago while going through a lot of things. Struggling deeply to feel like I could keep my head above water. My faith and testimony…
Bethany talks about a painting by Irek Szelag called “The Black Madonna Of Czestochowa.” You may want to look at his painting before reading Bethany’s experience. I’m reading “The Secret…
One Great Whole by juliablakeart I hope my daily life, actions and thoughts help increase connection to God (Father+Mother), uncover, discover and connect truths. This tree portrait is unlike all…
Months ago I was feeling led to seek a better understanding of Heavenly Mother. I was longing for a relationship with Her but was unsure of how to achieve that…
I keep coming back to these two ideas: 1) Joseph Smith taught that, “If men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves.” 2) The church…
I became keenly aware of Her just over a year ago. As a grown woman, nearing the end of what was nearly a decade of young motherhood, it was as…
Some years ago when I was called to teach the 5 & 6 year olds in Primary, I determined that I would make Heavenly Mother part of our lessons each…
Mother’s Lap by Missy Johnston The last few years have been trying. A huge shift has happened and I have felt completely lost. In these trying times I’ve been craving…