Eve and Her Mother by Emilie Buck Lewis
This was painted in 2016, after a friend’s husband commissioned it as a gift for her. Though I had had strong spiritual experiences with Heavenly Mother, I had not ever considered painting Her, nor had I done any real searching for Her in the scriptures. Thankfully, this friend and her husband had, and pointed me to some scriptures and research they knew about to form the basis for the painting. They wanted a tree, which would be symbolic of Heavenly Mother. After doing my own research and thinking a lot about it, I decided that the image should be of Heavenly Mother and Eve in front of the Tree of Life. I wanted to paint a scene where we could imagine the tender relationship between Eve and Heavenly Mother, and also contemplate the training and instruction that Eve must have had from Her in the pre-mortal life. That knowledge and instruction that Eve had surely has been passed down to her mortal daughters, but some we must re-discover ourselves through our own relationship with Her. So I hope that here each woman could imagine herself standing there as Eve, next to her Mother in Heaven, receiving knowledge and instruction and love to carry us through mortality.
Instagram: @emiliebucklewisstudios