Note: This piece is featured in the book A Girl’s Guide to Heavenly Mother.

Mother Divine by Courtney Vander Veur Matz
Before I was asked to do this painting of Heavenly Mother, I didn’t think much about Her. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believed in Heavenly Parents but I hadn’t spent much time thinking about Heavenly Mother. This painting changed that. The creation of this painting brought the Spirit of God into our home and impacted me and my family in ways we didn’t expect. Through our experiences we have felt confirmation that Heavenly Mother is real and we want to share that with you.
So we made a video! Two, actually.
The first shares six spiritual experiences that my husband and I had while I was working on the painting.
In the second video I share some of my process and technique I used to paint the starry skies. I hope you like them!