Eternal Embrace by Ashley Lauren Workman
My conscious relationship with my Heavenly Mother began as I sought comfort in dealing with an emotionally devastating miscarriage. In my desperation for peace and closure, I found myself pleading for eternal perspective. My husband was away on a short tour and I was living alone with our daughter. In my loneliness and grief, I simply wanted to feel the warm embrace and empathy of someone that fully understood how I felt. I knew Heavenly Father was watching over me and that the Savior would wholly support me and take my pain, so I tried to visualize the family portraits where Christ is holding the infants that have passed. As I imagined the spirit of my lost child being loved and cared for beyond the veil, I naturally began to ponder of our Heavenly Mother, tending to the sweet baby I wouldn’t yet meet. I had that wave of warmth, comfort, and assurance that I had been searching for and I knew for certain that She understood me and cared for me like I cared for my children as a devoted mother. My feelings had never felt so validated and I had never felt so complete as the moment I gave Heavenly Mother a deliberate place in my life.