We’ll Bring the World Their Truth by M. Alice Abrams
Original linoleum block print
We as members of the church take a lot for granted. We have so many answers to questions people ask their entire lives, and never find. They hike mountain ranges, explore the depths of the ocean, and even go into space hoping to find enlightenment. Some people dedicate their lives to God through celibacy, prolonged hunger fasts, and humanitarian work. All of these things can definitely bring us closer to a higher power or level of understanding, and are admirable things to do. We find great fulfillment and our life’s purpose in monumental tasks. People have done these things and much much more to rally people together in love, prayer, and brotherly kindness. Multitudes of people have been stirred and moved to do more and be more by the acts of these individuals. Their life’s work doesn’t end when they die, their words written and spoken in sermon and song live on for decades, and even centuries.
Each of these people brought truths to light that weren’t previously acknowledged or appreciated before their time. Only 100 years ago women were given the right to vote. 200 years ago slavery was abolished. 2000 years ago Jesus Christ answered the questions we have about living a fulfilled life. A life that would lead us back to our Heavenly Parents and into the arms of those we love who have been lost. It’s the combination of what we have learned from our Savior’s teachings, the legendary leaders of the past, and what goodness we put into the world that will help guide humanity, and bring us closer to our Heavenly Parents. By seeking and sharing heavenly knowledge we will bring the world Their truth.
This image depicts the spirit realm, as those who have gone before us, along with our Savior and Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father, and many prominent historical religious figures watch and encourage us on our journey for heavenly knowledge on earth.