“And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.” – Luke 1:31
The same Hebrew words used to describe God hovering over the black chaotic Waters of this world (Genesis 1:1-3) in the creation story are the same words used to describe the Spirit of God hovering over the womb of Mary. It’s pretty beautiful I think.
I love ancient Hebrew and something I didn’t mention above is that the Hebrew words that we translate to “and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep” in the KJV are words that most closely translate to a mother hen brooding over her nest. I also know that the Hebrew words for God is plural (Elohim). Since learning about this I’ve felt strongly that just as Heavenly Father taught us about the acts of creation as well as the Sabbath in the creation story, Heavenly Mother too taught us about her part in the creation, that she was there, holding creation in her just as Mary partnered with God to creation the Savior.
Sidenote: in Genesis 4:1 in the KJV Eve says “I have gotten a man from the LORD (God)” yet the original Hebrew reads “I have gotten/made a man WITH God”. And I think that’s crucial and part of a divine pattern. My sources on all of this is The Five Books of Moses (an OT translation) by Robert Alter.
I used hot press acid free 300 watercolor paper and micron .005 and .03 pens.