He Shall be Called a Nazarene by Natalie Cosby
This depiction of Heavenly Mother, Mary and Jesus is titled “He Shall be Called a Nazarene.”
Matt 2:23 “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.”
Christ being a Nazarene meant more than just being from Nazareth, it came with a set of beliefs. The Nazarenes were a group of people who stuck to the religious practices they held before the Deuteronomists enforced a strict Judaic law. They were the persecuted children of the woman in Revelation 12, The Queen of Heaven, or otherwise known as, Heavenly Mother. They believed in Her, and worshipped Her in their temple, before the temple was purged.
Christ being a Nazarene meant he was coming from a lineage of people who BELIEVED IN A HEAVENLY MOTHER. A people who had priests AND PRIESTESSES. Prophets AND PROPHETESSES. Where women, like his mother Mary, were those priestesses and prophetesses in training. Christ being called a Nazarene is foretelling his work in restoring the throne of his Mother in heaven and restoring the equality and power of women.
I think it is so powerful that Christ being born a Nazarene was already a testament to his mother, his Mother, and every other woman to walk the earth. That just his title, “Jesus of Nazareth” is itself a testament to the power of women. That from the moment he was born, even the moment Mary was chosen as his earthly mother, he was already about his Mother’s business.
Mary being a Nazarene would have also known our Mother in Heaven. Personally. She would have been taught to know Her personally. Taught to connect with Her and seek Her guidance. Taught of her Mother’s divine power that ran through her own spirit. Mary would have been very well equipped for her calling as the earthly mother of Christ. She had been prepared from the beginning of her life by her community, and by her Mother.
There is no part of me that doubts that Heavenly Mother was right there with Mary, Her daughter, and Christ, Her son, helping them both fulfill their sacred earthly callings. Just as many of us have felt the divine guidance of our Mother in heaven in our callings as mothers, scholars, teachers, professionals, and humans, I am sure Mary felt Her guidance as well in this very sacred calling.
Instagram: @Nataliejeanneart