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Submission Guidelines

About Submissions

Submissions must be your own work and relate to seeking, knocking, finding, or knowing Heavenly Mother. We welcome questions and doubts. (We have them, too.) Our goal is to promote dialogue in a positive, uplifting manner that is focused on Heavenly Mother. Please note that this is a venue for expressions about Heavenly Mother, not about the Church, its leaders, or other topics not related to the Feminine Divine.


You must include your real name in addition to the name or moniker which you wish to be published under.

Although you do not have to be a masterful writer to submit, we do suggest you have a friend or family member review it first. We also reserve the right to refuse a particular piece if it does not fit with our aims. Additionally, we may return a piece to an author for additional editing, and/or may propose edits of our own.

By submitting a journey of faith, essay, experience, poem, artwork, or music, you guarantee that the work is your own. You also give us permission to publish it on or by other means.

Submissions that do not meet these or the following qualifications will not be published.

This is the place to share when you’ve felt or seen evidence of Heavenly Mother in your life or tell the story of your journey to know Heavenly Mother. Do you have any personal experiences or stories you would like to share?

Submissions should be no more than 1,000 words.

Share your beliefs in or research about Heavenly Mother and explain how this has influenced your personal theology about Her.

Submissions should be no more than 4,000 words.

We welcome any genre of poetry.

Poems should be no more than 50 lines long.

We accept any genre of artwork. Full nudity is not permitted. Tasteful partial nudity may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. We recommend submitting artwork on a laptop or computer rather than mobile device.

Files should be saved as .jpg or .png

We accept any genre of music, either the audio and/or PDF files of the sheet music.

You may either upload a file or share a link to a performance of your music on YouTube.

Submit your testimony

To celebrate 150 years of the Young Women program, we are collecting 150 testimonies of Heavenly Mother.