Babe in my womb
Knows me, knows Mother
Yet sees not
who I am.
Creation cocooned within
Sees no face, touches no hands,
Motherless? No
All around IS Mother
allsense allsound allsight alltaste
The walls of existence are Mother
Nourishment gratified is Mother
Steady heartbeats and
Unsteady movement and
Reality itself
Voice of Father
Rumbling through from above,
Far and close,
More clearly distinguished,
since Father is
(Not as Mother who is
who is not
who is us)
Child wombed in mortality
Knows Her, knows Mother
Yet sees not
Her I AM.
No face, no hand, no Being
Motherless? No
All around IS Mother
allsense allnourishment allgrowth allLove
We live within
Reality Herself
Yet wombs are not permanent abode
Veils rend
Travail is delivered
And someday,
In blinding light
We will be delivered
Unto Her,
And look upon
A face that, having never seen
We know
For we knew Mother
All along.