Dear Mother, where art thou?
Seemingly hidden from view,
Where can I find you?
Can I find you in the whispering wind,
When I need someone to listen in?
In butterfly wings or the sky so grand
When I look at the stars can I see your hand?
In painted sunsets, in drizzling rain
When I cry, do you cry with me and share my pain?
Was it you who held me when I was scared at night,
Who fills my weary soul with light?
Who guides and leads me with your love
Who touches my heart from Heaven above
Who sent your Son too — to live and die for me
So I could live with you and Father eternally
Was it you I saw in a stranger’s kind word?
In the melody of a beautiful bird?
Is it you in the power of the mighty sea?
Or the shelter of an ancient tree?
Can I find you in my sister’s care
When I look in her eyes, can I see You there?
Is it you who soothes my wounded soul?
Who, with The Father and Brother, makes me whole?
Dear Mother, where art thou?
People say I can’t seek you, but I need to know.
Are you with me, by me, wherever I go?
And then —
I feel you whisper with truth and love
With peace, with peace just like a dove
My child, I’ve been here all along
I’m so glad you finally hear my song
by P Simmons