Mother by Rachel Thompson
My main goal for this painting was to create something that represented where I am currently at artistically and spiritually. I wanted to show the beauty of diety, creation, and nature. This is a painting of a mother figure, whether that is our beloved Heavenly Mother, Mother Nature, a mother figure or goddess of a religion other than Christianity, or even someone you know personally.
I personally see this painting representing my Heavenly Mother who is a divine co-creator. There is so much beauty all around us that is far greater than ourselves, however, that beauty still welcomes us and loves us. It wants to play a part in our lives if we will simply let it.
I am grateful for the little glimpses of heaven that I find here on earth through nature, art, and through the Holy Ghost testifying to me that I am a part of something Celestial. I am grateful for the comforting arms that wrap around me when I go through trials. I am grateful for Heavenly Mother’s sacrifice in sending her son to die for me so that I might feel peace in this world and the next. I know that my Heavenly Parents have provided ways for each of us to feel peace in this world and I am grateful that I can personally find peace in art and nature.