Heavenly Mother by Bri Lew
I was initially inspired to draw this piece several months ago when we were just weeks deep in the pandemic. I was sad and exhausted and in need of some light. I kept thinking how much I just needed a hug from someone who understood me and what I was going through, and wouldn’t tell me “it’s not a big deal” but would instead listen and love me.
That’s when I felt my heart yearn for Heavenly Mother. As I started to sketch the spheres for the faces I consciously drew the figure on the left much smaller because she was growing into herself and still needed guidance and direction. To me, that little girl is myself.
I was hesitant to move forward with my sketch because it was so simple. I pride myself in my abilities to produce highly complex and detailed art, and so producing a simple piece was intimidating as I didn’t want people to think I was less capable than I am.
With encouragement from many, I decided to bring my very little sketch (it’s about 1.5” tall) to life. Though it’s simple, I think the simplicity of this piece speaks volumes. Heavenly Mother’s love isn’t complex, it’s pure and simple. We may not know Her face, but we can know and feel Her love and light daily as we reach for Her.
Instagram: @BriLewArt