Are you really there? by M. Alice Abrams
Heavenly Mother, are you really there?
And do you feel and listen to my silent prayer?
Some say that you are so far away,
But I know you’re closer ’round me every day.
Heavenly Mother, I beginning now
To understand what Jesus taught us long ago:
“Suffer the children to come to me”,
Mother in Heav’n do you truly know me?
Feel like this piece is hard to see? One aspect of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ that we as members of His church cherish is that we are loved by Heavenly Parents, but so often any direct mention of Heavenly Mother left out. We’ve been told “She’s too sacred to speak of”, and yet She is an equal partner to our Heavenly Father, and we speak of Him regularly. Because of this taboo that surrounds our Heavenly Mother She may feel like more of a “myth” to those who don’t acknowledge Her, and yet She is a huge part of what we believe in. Our destinies as women are found in what She herself is: an eternal, perfected being that loves boundlessly. Isn’t that what we want to be? Then why are we not taught more openly about her? I think that part of the reason is because she is already interwoven into our lives, we just need to seek Her influence more intently and earnestly. We take our knowledge of Heavenly Parents, and more specifically Her, for granted. I’ve noticed my thoughts wandering to Her more frequently than ever, and I look forward to the day where I will know Her more vividly.
This piece comes in two parts. It is an original linoleum block print carving printed in a gorgeous, reflective silver ink.
See also “Pray I am there” (2/2) by M. Alice Abrams.